Oundle Business On Show
The Business Association has hired the Queen Victoria Hall for Saturday the 1st of April 2023. This will be your opportunity to meet members of the public and demonstrate your wares or services. If like many OBA members you don’t have a shop front this is a great opportunity for a day to show what you are about and also from the Association’s perspective what we are about. We are likely to have a couple of E Type Jaguars outside, a fashion show, some wine tasting, wheel building, arts and crafts, etc. Memners providing a service rather than goods are most welcome, we would like to be inclusive and show the breadth of our near 90 members.
All attending will be allocated a table in the hall to ‘set our your stall’ so to speak for the morning, running on until mid-afternoon. Please email: [email protected] to book your place or ask any questions. N.B. To display your business is free for OBA members.